Here we reviewed the Top 10 Popular shopping sites online. They are where you can shop and receive your products without a problem. Want at least top 10 shopping sites? If yes, read on!
The world is going digital, technology has made life so easy. The stress and inconveniences experienced when trying to visit a market or stores have been taken care of with online shopping. You can now be relaxed at the comfort of your homes, place orders and have them brought to your doorsteps.
Online shopping simply put is electronic commerce which allows people to purchase and sell goods over the internet. Here are the top 10 online shopping sites:
- 1. AMAZON.COM (Highly Recommended)
Amazon is an international electronic commerce company and cloud services provider with its headquarters located at 410 Terry Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109, Washington U.S. Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos originally as “Cadabra” on 5th July 1994 but was later called Amazon a year later in 1995 after a lawyer misheard its name as “cadaver”. Bezos named it Amazon after the Amazon river which is the biggest river in the world because that’s how he planned his store to be, “the biggest store in the world”.
Today, Amazon is among the largest online retail store. The company was run out of Bezos’ Bellevue, Washington garage and was originally an online bookstore. It won a distinction for being one of the first large company to sell goods over the internet. Amazon provides services which enables authors, musicians, filmmakers, app developers, and others to publish and sell content via its branded websites.
Amazon also provides Kindle Direct Publishing, an online platform that allows independent authors and publishers to make their books available in the Kindle Store. It also provides co-branded credit card agreements and advertising services, serves developers and enterprises through Amazon Web Services, and manufactures and sells electronic devices.
It offers Amazon Prime which is an annual membership program. It provides free shipping, streaming, and access to books to borrow and read on a Kindle device. Amazon has now diversified by adding other items, including DVDs, music, video games, electronics, and clothing.
- 2. eBay
eBay founder by Pierre Omidyar on September 3 1995, is a multinational electronic commerce corporation, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. Its headquarters is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 United States.eBay is also a place to get rare, hard to find items.
- 3. ASOS (As Seen On Screen)
Asos, a British online fashion based and beauty retailer was founded on 3 June 2000 by Nick Robertson and Quentin Griffiths. It has its headquarters to be in Camden Town, at Greater London House. Asos has websites targeting the UK, Australia, USA, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Italy and China. Asos partnered with British Paralympic Association in 2105 to design formal wears for athletes for September 2016 events and ceremonies.Asos.com is a global online fashion and beauty retailer, offering womenswear, menswear, footwear, accessories, jewellery and beauty products.
Founded way back on July 2 1962, Walmart is an American multinational retailing corporation that operates as a chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. Walmart which is now a family business run by the Walton family was founded by Sam Walton. Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue with its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S.Walmart operates under different names in different countries :- as Walmart in United States and Canada, Walmart de México y Centroamérica in Mexico and Central America, Asda in the United Kingdom, Seiyu Group in Japan and Best Price in India. It offers a wide range of products from electronics; movies and music to home and furniture, home improvement, clothing, footwear, jewellery, toys, health and beauty, pet supplies, sporting goods and fitness; auto photo finishing, craft supplies, party supplies and grocery.
American entertainment company NETFLIX was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph on August 29, 1997, with its headquarters in Los Gatos, California, United States. Netflix is a video-rental company that offers both physical disc rentals and streaming video-on-demand service. Netflix has found great success with the videogame market. It is available on Nintendo’s Wii, Wii U, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One and the PlayStation 3 and 4. It works the same as using a computer browser with streaming content available on-the-fly. Netflix remains the world’s leading Internet television network with over 93 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films.
Behind Walmart, Target Corporation is the second-largest discount store retailer in the United States. Target Corporation (Target) is a general merchandise retailer selling products through its stores and digital channels. Founded on June 24, 1902 (as Goodfellow Dry Goods) and renamed on May 1, 1962 (as Target) by George Dayton. Its general merchandise stores offer an edited food assortment, including perishables, dry grocery, dairy and frozen items.
An Indian based e-Commerce company, Flipkart was Founded by Sachin Bansal and BinnyBansal(former staffs of Amazon.com) in 2007 with headquarters in Bangalore, Karnataka, India through the company is registered in Singapore. The company focuses on goods such as electronics, books, music and movies. Flipkart has seen a tremendous rise due to availability of Cash-on-delivery in Flipkart while others like e-bay, Amazon did not have it.
- 8. TheICONIC
Launched in 2011 under e-commerce incubator Rocket Internet, ICONIC is a Sydney-based, Australian online fashion and sportswear retailer. ICONIC products range from Clothes, Shoes and Accessories.
Sophia Amoruso in 2006 founded Nasty Gal which is an American retailer that specializes in fashion for young women. She was a 22-year-old community college dropout, living in her step-aunt’s cottage, she started a side project, Nasty Gal, an eBay page that sold vintage women’s clothing. Nasty gal has its headquarters in Los Angeles, California, United States.
- 10. BEST BUY
Best Buy is a leading provider of technology products, services and solutions. It is a U.S transnational consumer electronics corporation with its headquarters in Richfield, Minnesota, a Minneapolis suburb.it also operates in Canada and Mexico. Founded by Richard M. Schulze as Sound of Music: August 22, 1966, and as Best Buy: 1983 West St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S. Best buy specializes in Consumer electronics.
In conclusion;
online shopping has a wide range of advantages which are more varieties to choose from, it’s convenient, saves energy, can be accessed anytime from anywhere with an internet connection available. However, it also has its disadvantages which includes: being a victim of fraud, not being able to touch or feel the goods before requesting, dealing with an unknown vendor, returns might be Impossible or costly.