iOffer is the one-stop destination for buyers and sellers looking for a convenient, easy way of trading used items. Feel secure knowing who you’re dealing with, thanks to their reputation & safety features, while browsing through thousands of new postings daily using just your phone or tablet. Listing an item takes only 30 seconds – see what treasures await at iOffer today!
iOffer advertises as an online marketplace where you can buy and sell practically anything. The big question is whether using iOffer is worthwhile as a Seller or Buyer.
As a Seller, does the platform have the traffic to make your store a success? How about its charges, are they friendly? Are its services what you’ll expect of a go-to online marketplace (e.g. easy store set-up, easy payment process, etc.)?
Yes, iOffer is legit. It is not a scam because they will never steal customers’ money or financial details. It is one of the most popular and reputable online marketplaces.
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As a buyer, you’ll want to know if the marketplace holds a wide range of products. Other important questions include: are the products listed in the marketplace of high quality and price reasonable? What about its service? Does it offer top service that we’ll expect of the go-to online shopping destination (such as easy ordering, fast delivery, easy returns, effective customer service, etc)?
Given that there are many online marketplaces, how does iOffer differ from the others? In the first place is iOffer legit?
This iOffer review will examine iOffer in order to provide the information that will help you answer these questions and more.
iOffer review at a glance
- Founded in 2002, and based in San Francisco, California
- Global marketplace that connects buyers and sellers
- Buy and sell practically anything (fashion product, electronics, home and garden, etc)
- As a seller; you pay only when your items sell (it is free to create a store and list products)
- Sellers are charged a flat rate of 5% of transaction amount
- Buyers can make payment with credit cards and Amazon Pay (but PayPal not supported)
- iOffer does not receive purchase payment; Buyers pay Sellers directly
What is iOffer? – About
iOffer was launched by Steven Nerayoff in mid 2002. It is based in San Francisco, California. It is an online marketplace that simply connects Buyers and Sellers. Anyone from a host of worldwide locations can go to iOffer as a Seller to list his/ her products for sale; while anyone from a host of worldwide locations can also go to iOffer as a Buyer to buy any of the products listed for sale.
iOffer differs from other online marketplaces in that it uses “negotiated offer” model. In the traditional purchase model which many online marketplaces use, the Seller set a price, and the order is placed when the buyer makes the purchase at that set price. This is also available in iOffer. However, iOffer also allow Buyers to make an offer. That is, Sellers can request an offer; to which interested Buyer will make offers. The order is placed when the Seller accepts an offer made by a Buyer.
However, apart from this negotiated offer model, iOffer is a typical marketplace in that it does not own any of the products listed in the site. In fact, iOffer is not involved in any part of the transaction. In many online marketplaces, Buyers pay directly to the platform who in turn pay the Seller after removing their charges. However, iOffer not involving in any part of the transaction include receiving payment. In iOffer, Buyers pay the Sellers directly; after which, the Seller pays iOffer its charges (Final Value Fees).
Is iOffer legit?
iOffer is a legitimate platform. There are many scammers ripping people off in the internet. As such before using any online platform, it’s wise to determine that it is legit. So the big question is whether iOffer is legit. Instead of simply answering Yes or No, we’ll examine whether iOffer tick the boxes that a legit platform should.
One way some check whether an online store is legit is legality. This is because stores that are 100% legal are less likely to be scams. iOffer ticks this legality box, as the website is operated by iOffer corporation, which is a duly registered company in the US. However, it should be remembered that iOffer is not an online store, but an online marketplace. While a marketplace can be 100% legal, if it doesn’t tighten up, there can be unscrupulous Sellers within it who will carry out scamming activities.
As we’ll see later in this review, iOffer though being a 100% legal platform (by definition of the word legal), operate in a way that is “Scammers-friendly” (for example, it does not do any Seller verification, and it does not hold receive payment from Buyers and cannot hold Sellers profits to ensure that the transaction is satisfactorily completed).
Another way some check whether an online store is legit is the test of time. This is because the scam stores are short-lived. It is only a matter of time before scamming activities are exposed, and with such exposure, the stores close their virtual doors and disappear. iOffer passes this test of time, as the website has been operating for over 17 years (since 2002).
However, since iOffer is not a store, but a marketplace with many stores, there’re sure to be some legit Sellers within it. Thus, the test of time is not a good benchmark for a marketplace because even if many scammers exist in the marketplace, the few legit Sellers in it will act as oxygen for the marketplace to continue almost perpetually.
The true check of a legit online platform is fitness for purpose. To a Seller in a marketplace, “fitness for purpose” means that the platform actually connects Buyers to him/her for the sale of his/her products; and to a Buyer, “fitness for purpose” means that when he/ she places an order online, real and functional products are delivered. Unfortunately, it is in this ultimate check of legitimacy that the jury is out against iOffer.
As a Seller, you can create a store, list your products, and actually make sales in iOffer. Thus, Sellers will consider the platform fit for purpose. However, for Buyers, as we’ll see later in this review, there are numerous reports of purchased items not delivered.
As you’ll know, to buyers who pay for items online but do not get them, the platform is anything but legit. However, it should be emphasized that some buyers did receive delivery of items bought; and to these lucky ones, the platform will be “fit for purpose”.
That said, it is safe to say that iOffer itself is a legit online marketplace, but owing to its free-for-all and simple operating model, there are many fake/ scam Sellers in it.
Is iOffer safe?
iOffer is safe. It is also important to determine that an online platform is safe before using it for any transaction. This is because a platform that isn’t safe will allow sensitive users’ data (like personal information and credit card details) to leak out; leaving the users exposed to all the scammers out there.
In this regard, iOffer says that it takes the protection of users’ data very seriously, such that it employs industry standard measures to safeguard data. One of such measure is the use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. SSL create a private channel between a user’s device and the platform’s web servers, ensuring that any data exchanged over the internet is private. SSL also employ bank-grade encryption protocols, ensuring that even if data is captured, it cannot be read by the hackers. With the use of this technical security measure and more, it is safe to say that iOffer is safe.
The ideal shopping destination will hold a wide range of products. As a seller, you’ll want a marketplace that’ll admit you whatever you sell; and as a buyer, you’ll want the convenience of being able to get all you want in one place instead of visiting different places.
Thankfully, iOffer ticks this box. It advertises as a place where you can buy and sell virtually anything. True to this, the over 100 million products listed in the sited covers different categories. At the time of writing this review, the product categories in iOffer (and some items that you’ll find in each category) were as follows:
- Women’s Fashion – Clothing (dresses, Tops, T-shirts, skirts, sweatshirts, Pants, Denim, shorts, blazers, outerwear, swimwear, sleepwear, jumpsuits, lingerie); Handbags (totes, shoulder bags, hobos, satchels, clutches, cosmetics bags, backpacks wallets, travel bags); Shoes (heels, flats, slippers, boots); Accessories (sunglasses, belts, watches, Jewelry, scarves, hair accessories, leggings, socks)
- Men’s Fashion – Clothing (shirts, jeans, hoodies, sweaters, outerwear, blazers, swimwear, underwear, tracksuits), Accessories (wallets, belts, sunglasses, watches, jewelry, men’s bag, hats, scarves, tie, socks), Shoes (sneakers, boots, running shoes, slippers, loafers)
- Jewelry and Watches – women jewelry, (rings, earrings, bracelet, charm bracelets, necklace and pendants, pins and brooches, jewelry sets, body jewelry), Men’s jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklace, wooden jewelry, dog tags, cufflinks), Watches ( sport watches leather watches)
- Electronics – iPhone cases, iPad cases, head phones, Mp3 players, car electronics, gadgets, electronics cigarettes, video games
- Computers – computer accessories, dries and storage, Apple components, software, laptop cases, tablet case
- Sporting Good – sport jerseys, cycling product, hunting product, fishing products, camping products, paint ball, airsoft pistols, tennis and racquets, fitness products, knives
- Movies and Television – Television shows, movies, drama, action and adventure, animation, sports, concert and music, DVD, HD DVD and blu-ray
Other categories that you’ll find include: Handbags and Purses; Fragrances; Health and Beauty; Kids and Baby; iPhone Cases; Hobbies and Craft (embroidery, tattoos, piercing, and manicures); Coins and Money; Dolls and Bears; Home and garden; Pottery China and Glass; Toys and Games; Books; Music; and Photo. You’ll find that many high-end brand name items are listed in iOffer.
iOffer – for Sellers
This section examines everything you’ll need to know when using iOffer as a seller.
iOffer’s Reach
Typically, marketplaces have geographical restrictions. That is, persons in certain regions are restricted from using the platform to sell their products. In this regards, iOffer ticks the box. This is because iOffer can be used by Sellers from virtually every part of the world. With over 224 worldwide countries covered, you can create a store and list products in iOffer no matter where you are resident in the world.
Another important consideration is traffic. As a Seller, you’ll want your store in a platform that a lot of potential buyers visit. In this regard, iOffer advertises that it has millions of users worldwide (10+ monthly buyers) and over 421,000 Facebook fans. This suggests that it has the traffic to make your store a success.
Using iOffer
Like in every marketplace, before you start using iOffer, you’ll have to open a Seller account. However, registration is pretty straightforward. You’ll be taken through the simple steps of creating your store. Lastly, you’ll have to list your products. Listing products singly is also simple; you’ll simply choose a product category, add a title, a description, set your price, and add a product image. iOffer also allows you to transfer your items from other sites to the platform, which will make them live immediately. If you have many items to list, there’s also the provision for bulk upload, using a .CSV file.
iOffer require that shipping rates appear in the item listing so that customers can know what getting the item will cost. Thus, you’ll need to set your shipping options. This could be: shipping only domestically (within the US), shipping to the US and Canada, and shipping to the US and internationally.
Another important setting is getting paid. The default setting is for iOffer to automatically send invoices to buyers to pay you immediately. However, you can change this if you have other preferences, like sending invoices to your buyers manually. From the payment methods supported by iOffer, you’ll also have to set which one you buyers can pay you with.
One of the best things about using iOffer as a Seller is that it is free to use. That is, you don’t have to pay until your item sells. It is free to set up your store; it is free to list items in your store; all listing photos are free; and you can create a gallery slide show free of charge.
This means that unlike many online marketplaces that are subscription-based, iOffer is a no-risk marketplace where you won’t lose any money if your venture does not pan out the way you expected. However, iOffer charges for premium listing, where your listed item will be enhanced in search results for 30 days. There are three premium listing services – boldfaced, outlined, and featured. With Boldfaced listing, the item title will be bold on search results, and it cost $3.00; with Outlined listing, the item title will be outlined in green in search results, and it cost $5.00; with Featured listing, your item title will be highlighted in grey and will be shown as “featured item” in search result, and it cost $19.95.
While it’s good that you won’t pay until your items sells (except you use premium listing), you’ll want to know what the charges are when your items do sell. You’ll want these charges to be as low as possible, because high charges can easily eat into your profit margin if you still want your items to be competitively priced.
iOffer’s charges used to be based on the transaction amount; but effective October 1, 2019, the platform simplified its charges, and started charging a flat rate of 5% of transaction amount. That is, for an item whose total amount is $50, iOffer will send you an invoice for $2.50.
You (the Seller) will receive payment directly from the buyer; after which you’ll have to pay iOffer its due (Final Value Fees). However, iOffer does not bug you incessantly for payments. You’ll be billed only once a month, on the calendar day that you opened your account. Also, you are billed and will receive the account invoice only when your account balance is over $2.00. After receipt of the account invoice, you’ll have 7 days to pay iOffer. This is a relatively long window.
It should be noted that all payments (Final Value Fees and premium listing fees) to iOffer are final and nonrefundable. Thus, any request must be submitted before paying your account balance.
This dispute can occur because of the “negotiated offer” operating model of iOffer. Sometimes, when an order is placed with you accepting an offer that a customer makes, the customer may end up not paying (and becomes a Non-Paying Buyer). iOffer calculate its fees using orders placed. Thus, you’ll have to file a Non-Paying Buyer rating, stating that you did not receive payment so that iOffer will credit you back. In our opinion, having to file Non-Paying Buyer form is an unnecessary headache for Sellers that can be prevented if iOffer operates in a way that it knows what buyers actually makes payment.
iOffer – for Buyers
When using iOffer as a buyer, the following are important:
Pricing and Buying from iOffer
The first thing to consider in online shopping platforms is the user experience. Thankfully, iOffer ticks this box. The products are neatly arranged in categories, making it relatively easy to find and place an order.
You’ll also find that many Sellers in iOffer quote prices that are relatively low and affordable. In fact, one draw of buying from iOffer is the low prices of items listed in the platform. You can buy from iOffer using the “Buy Now” or “Make an Offer” buttons. When you use Buy Now, you’re accepting the listed price, and the order is immediately placed. When you use “Make an Offer”, the Seller has to accept your offer for the order to be placed. Once the order is placed, you’ll get an invoice and have to make payment.
However, if the Seller has not included a payment processor, your order summary will show “Your payment is required”. If payment is not made within 48 hours, the order will be cancelled for non-payment.
Payment Methods
You’ll want a range of payment method so that you can conveniently pay for your orders no matter where you are resident. iOffer supports a range of methods that include: Credit and debit cards (Master card and Visa); Amazon checkout; Visa electron, and Checks/ Money Orders. However, the payment options that will be available to you are those allowed by the particular Seller.
However, almost all Sellers allow the cards; and with these, you shouldn’t have problems paying for your order. However, it’s still disappointing that PayPal is not supported. It is the preferred choice of many customers, and for good reason, as it is a secure payment method that is renowned for its buyer protection.
When making online purchases, shipping is an important consideration. It’s important to consider whether the particular Seller ships to your location, how long it’ll takes to receive your order, and how much shipping cost.
Being a marketplace, the shipping destinations, delivery times, and shipping costs you’ll find in iOffer vary, depending on the particular Seller. However, most often than not, they make for good reading. For example, in terms of shipping destinations, you’ll find that many Sellers ships merchandise to worldwide locations. So no matter where you are resident, you’ll be able to buy from iOffer. In terms of delivery times, you’ll find that many Sellers offer relatively “okay” times.
For example, domestic US orders will take about 14 days (from date of order placement) to be delivered; while overseas orders may take 21 – 35 days. Tracking numbers are provided, so you’ll know where you order is at all times. iOffer advertises that it usually takes 3 – 5 days to get the tracking information. This suggests that order processing is 3 – 5 days. Also, shipping costs vary depending on the particular Seller. However, you’ll usually see relatively low prices.
However, as we’ll see in the complaint section, while the delivery times you’ll see quoted for many listed products make for good reading, many Sellers do not live up to them.
It is not news that sometimes customers are not satisfied with their online purchase; and instead of being stuck with an unwanted item, they’ll want to be able to return it to the retailer for a replacement or a refund. Thus, stores that allow returns are appealing.
However, iOffer is simply a marketplace that is not involved in the purchase in any way. Thus, it cannot refund or exchange products. Independent Sellers manage their products, shipping, and returns. Thus, when making a purchase in iOffer, you’ll need to look closely at whether the particular Seller has a return policy.
It must also be said that the operation of iOffer does not “help” buyers in terms of returns. As mentioned earlier, iOffer does not even receive payments for purchases. In the buyer friendly marketplaces, the marketplace receives payment for purchases; and it is only when the buyer confirms delivery of the order and satisfaction with it (or when a reasonable time has passed from the order shipment date and the customer does not file a complaint) that the payment is released to the Seller. In such marketplaces, the Sellers who want to receive their money will more readily move to work out a resolution with the customer.
However, in iOffer, buyers pay directly to the Sellers. So if you have issues and will want refunds or a product exchange, the platform can do nothing to help. You’ll simply be at the mercy of the particular Seller and its return policy. iOffer does say that if you have an issue with an order, you can make a report, and that it will alert the Seller. In truth, that is all it can do – alert the Seller.
You’ll have to deal with the Seller yourself; and as you do, you should also file a chargeback with your credit card company so that the window for filing this will not close while the Seller strings you along.
It should be said that there is no company or platform that is immune to complaints. However, the ideal destinations will not be swimming in an ocean of complaints; rather, complaints would be drowned by positive reviews. Unfortunately, this is not the case with iOffer.
Looking at the top online customers’ reviews platform, you’ll find that iOffer is not highly rated. In trustpilot.com, iOffer is rated by 1,641 reviewers, and has an average rating of 1.4/ 5; and in sitejabber.com, it is rated by 480 reviewers, and has an average rating of 1.6/ 5.
The poor ratings mean that there are many complaints; and for these, iOffer is written off as a scam in many quarters. The complaints include: quality issues, no-delivery and late delivery, no refunds, and more
Quality Issues
You’ll want to find only quality items in a store. However, in the customers’ reviews platforms, there are just too many persons who when they did receive their orders, found its quality largely unsatisfactory. For example:
- Lorna of Carrollton TX in Consumeraffairs says “Hi… the dvds you purchase come on recordable dvrs with magic marker writing for the title. They very often are of horrible quality. I was wondering why you get discontinued, rare movies and documentaries for so cheap… Now I know why … they’re bootleg”
- James G in Sitejabber says “I had [ordered] stuff from the site and all of the quality is bad”
- Mr and Mrs MC in Trustpilot says “…I did order about 5 order things which did arrive BUT they looked nothing like the picture, quality was crap & I was not impressed. In short AVOID!!!”
Late Delivery and No-Delivery
While there are few persons that reports getting their order; just too many others complain of having to wait for too long to receive delivery of their order, and many others complain of receiving delivery of their order at all. For example:
- Shannen in Trustpilot says: “…I ordered back at the end of 2018 and still haven’t heard a word [as at September 27 2019]. I was told my order had been stopped at customs, but customs had no record of it. I was then told the order would be sent again, It clearly was not. Complete scams”
- Ma in Trustpilot says: “Worst website ever!!! Waiting over a year now for my order. I contacted the Seller to tell them I haven’t received my order, and they blacked me out so I can’t even contact them or leave a review…”
- Jim K in Trust Pilot says: “I have been waiting for over 6 months for this site to keep its promises. They say they will reship but do not. Don’t waste your time ordering. They do not use PayPal for a reason”
- Mr & Mrs MC in Trustpilot says: “I placed an order for a bag in October 2018. I chased it up to February 2019 & was told to be patient. I chased it again in April of 2019 complaining that it had been 7 months & I would like a refund as clearly the item is not going to be delivered. The reply was “be patient my angel” to which I replied I would report them to my credit card company… It’s now July 2019 & Still no bag. iOffer accepts no responsibility, the order has been archived so there’s nothing I can do on the site”
No refunds
Another significant complain is that Sellers do not issue refunds. Though some buyers do get their money back, it is only after filing charge backs with their credit card companies. For example:
- Tiffany in Trustpilot says: “I have ordered many items from this website over the last few years and only received a few items. I thank God that I used my bank debit card with all my orders because I was able to get my money back each time I filed a dispute. If you ask for a refund from the Seller, you won’t receive it, so it’s best to file a dispute with your bank or credit card company to get your money back”
- Jacqueline B. in Sitejabber says: “Bunch of thieves!” The review continued “… asked for refunds, but they’re full of excuses. Not buying another single thing from iOffer. Bad Experience”
Customer Support
If there’s one law we don’t like; it is Murphy’s Law that “anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. However, it is so true. So you’ll want the ideal platform to have an effective customer support service to assist customers when something does go wrong.
In this regards, there’s a “Frequently Asked Questions” page where you’ll find answers to many questions categorized under: General Questions, Buying Help, Selling Issues, Site Safety, and Bugs/ Suggestions.
However, for direct contact with iOffer, it supports the following: a suggestion box, an email service, and postal mail. However, the suggestion box, as its name suggest is not for you to get assistance, but to make suggestions to iOffer. Also, the email service does not give you assistance with your orders; its only for seeking strategic partnership (bizdev@ioffer.com) or reporting suspicious, fraudulent or phishing emails and websites (spoof@ioffer.com). Thus, reaching iOffer with your regards to your order is limited to postal mail; in which case the address that correspondence should be sent is: iOffer, P.O.Box 78191, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Since it’s the Seller that you’ll contact to resolve issues, iOffer allow you to easily contact the Seller. This can be done from the Order Summary page using the “Order Messages” button.
iOffer is an online marketplace. Like all marketplaces, independent Sellers can list their products, and buyers can go there to browse listed items and make purchases. iOffer differs from many online marketplaces in that as a buyer, you are not limited to buy the items at the prices set by the Sellers; there are many items where the Sellers invite the Buyers to make an offer. Thus, you can make your purchases at prices that are fine by you.
One advantage of iOffer is that you can use it to sell and buy virtually anything. Also, it welcomes Seller and Buyers from worldwide locations. As a buyer, you’ll also find prices of listed items to be relatively low. However, as a marketplace, and especially with its operating model (free for all, no verifications, and allowing buyers to pay sellers directly), the environment is friendly for scammers. Thus, if you must buy in iOffer, you’ll have to know the art of identifying and avoiding scam Sellers, who are very much in the platform.
If you buy from its legit Sellers, you’ll get reasonable quality items at good prices. However, if you unluckily fall for the scam Sellers, online customers’ reviews suggest that you’re likely not to receive delivery of your item, or receive delivery of an item with horrible quality.
Site Similar to ioffer:
For Sellers
- Accepts Sellers from virtually all worldwide locations
- You can sell virtually anything, as a wide range of products can be listed for sale
- It’s very easy to set up store, as there are no verifications
- You’ll not pay until your item sells (that is, free to set up store and list products)
- Charge for completed sales is relatively low (5% of transaction amount)
- Offer premium listing services (albeit paid) where you items is given more visibility in search results
- Receive payment for purchases directly from buyers
- Paying iOffer is done only once a month, and only their “due” reaches $2.00
- You’ll have a relatively long 7days window to pay after receiving your invoice from iOffer
For Buyers
- You can buy virtually anything, including apparel, fashion accessories, home and garden items, electronics, and more
- You’ll find relatively low prices
- You have the opportunity to make your own offer
- Many Sellers ship worldwide
For Sellers
- As a Seller, you may find yourself having to file Non-Paying Buyer with iOffer
For Buyers
- Reviews suggest that no-delivery is a real problem of many Sellers
- Reviews suggest that where items are delivered, many times quality is largely unsatisfactory
- Reviews suggest that Sellers do not allow returns and do not refund
- PayPal (which is renowned for buyer protection) is not supported
- iOffer does virtually nothing to help customers if there’s an issue with an order
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